Bachelor of Science in Business


B.S. in Business At-A-Glance


Online (synchronous)

Guaranteed Classes

Meet 1 evening per week

Program Length

24-36 months
60 credits

Transfer Requirements

40-60 credits
2.0 minimum GPA

Student Success

Academic advising
职业生涯 & professional development
Extensive alumni network


Visit the Student Financial Services office site for the most up-to-date tuition and fee schedules.

在雷德兰兹商学院获得商业学士学位 & 社会, you will:

  • 学习如何运用商业概念,如战略规划, operations man年龄ment, 以及人力资源开发,以识别和解决跨不同行业的业务问题
  • Gain the foundational knowledge of accounting, economics, 金融, business analytics, marketing, and communications
  • Empower yourself with 21st century business 技能 and insights into ethical and data-driven decision-making, business and geographic information systems (GIS), and a global perspective on how organizations thrive

完成商业学士学位后, 你将拥有可衡量的技能,包括对核心业务学科的理解和有效分析行业的能力. 你也会有信心应对组织挑战, 从广泛的角度做出决定的能力, 以及对企业和社会产生积极影响的新机会.

Program Learning Outcomes

On completion of the 程序, students will be able to:

  • 展示核心业务学科的知识,有效地应对组织的挑战和机遇
  • 在商业决策中利用空间、道德和全球视角
  • 运用有效的书面和口头技巧进行清晰和有说服力的沟通
  • 运用分析技巧和定量方法来提高业务绩效
  • 综合知识和能力,发展商业活动的整体视角

Course Sequence

Course sequence for the B.S. 程序

Course Descriptions

BUSB 300: Ethical and Legal Environment of Business (4)



BUSB 301:批判性分析:书面和口头沟通(4)

加深学生在书面和口头交流中的分析能力. 专注于目的、深度、组织、研究、风格和有效性. 特别关注当代商业背景以及历史视角.


BUSB 145: Mathematical Foundations for Business (4)

介绍数学基础及其在商业决策中的应用, economics, 金融, business statistics, and operations man年龄ment. 重点是数学概念,包括函数和它们的图形, systems of equations and inequalities, linear 程序ming, mathematics of 金融, basic probability, and statistics.


BUSB 330: Managing and Leading Organizations (4)

Overview of organizational behavior and theory. 重点是组织内个人和群体的行为. The study of organizational decision-making, organizational design, 文化, leadership, power and politics, and man年龄ment of change. 伦理、多样性和全球化贯穿整个课程.


BUSB 230: Economics for Business (4)

Introductory study of micro- and macro-economics. 微观经济学研究个体企业和消费者在分配稀缺资源方面的决策, supply and demand basics, and optimum output determination. 宏观经济学涵盖了国家和全球经济, the impact of economic aggregates and government action.


BUSB 333: Business Information Systems (4)

介绍信息系统的组织和管理概述. 评估和构建决策所需的数据和信息, designing interactive and spatial information systems, and assessing their ethical implications. 在系统开发环境中进行有效的沟通.


BUSB 232: Data Driven Decision-Making (4)

介绍基本的统计概念,包括集中趋势和分散的措施, frequency distributions, probability distributions, sampling distributions, and estimation. Also application in statistical inference, one and two sample hypothesis testing, chi-square, analysis of variance, and multiple regression models.


BUSB 340: Principles of Marketing (4)

介绍市场营销的概念和营销原则. Focus on creating value for customers. 了解营销组合(产品)的四个要素, 价格, promotion, and place/distribution) with application to product, 服务, 利润, and not-for-利润 enterprises in local, national, and international environments.


BUSB 260: Financial and Man年龄rial Accounting (4)

检查会计信息作为经济决策工具. This course presents the concepts, 管理会计信息系统的政策和程序. 学生们利用这种理解来改善管理者的资源分配, 主人, and creditors of an organization.


BUSB 342: International Business (4)

审查国际市场的发展及其对商业企业活动的影响. 学生将学习日益增加的国际联系对国内和国际商业职能的作用和行为的影响. 本课程可由国际外语470课程中的海外学习课程替代.


BUSB 361: Financial Man年龄ment (4)

Principles of financial planning, 控制, 以及对公司和财务经理在公司中的作用的分析.


BUSB 370: Managing Quality and Operations (4)

为提供服务和制造产品的组织分析问题的运营管理问题和技术. 战略问题和实际应用包括生产力, competitiveness, supply chain man年龄ment, decision-making, quality man年龄ment, process selection, linear 程序ming, transportation models, forecasting, inventory man年龄ment, enterprise resource planning, project man年龄ment, and simulation.


BUSB 433: GIS for Business (4)

地理信息系统和空间分析在组织中的应用概述. Focus on geographic information, location-based decision-making, spatial data, investment in and value of GIS, ethical aspects, and GIS strategies. 学生通过案例研究和空间数据的实验室实践来学习.


BUSB 481: Strategic Man年龄ment (4)

开发对评估环境至关重要的分析工具, opportunities, 以及建立和维持长期竞争优势所需要的威胁. Addresses knowledge, 技能, and approaches necessary to generate, evaluate, and implement strategic alternatives. 强调各种组织功能之间的相互关系.


BUSB 485:顶点:分析和集成在商业和管理(4)

专注于整合在程序中获得的知识和技能,并将其应用于组织分析. 学生开发并提出一个顶点论文,利用在早期课程中创建的工件, 从广泛的学习领域综合原则和理论, and demonstrates effective 技能 of critical inquiry.

BUSB 484-IR22: Entrepreneurship Capstone (4)

一个密集的精益创业课程,使用创业启动辅助地图(SLAM)方法. This session will be a mix of lectures, discussion, practical exercises, mentoring from experts for each team, 同行指导和客户发现来验证你的整个方法.

Course Outcomes:
Business Plan (Startup Launch Assistance Map (SLAM))
Entrepreneurial Mindset Development